Outcome Based
Management System

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Amazing Feautres

OBE Tracking empower your institution with various features for ensuring Outcome Based Education.

Attainment on Semesters

Detailed reports of CO/CLO-PO/PLO Attainment and course attainment by students of different courses in specific semester.

Semester Wise Mapping

Reports of CO/CLO-PO/PLO Mapping and their attainments of students of different courses in specific semester.

Attainment on Courses

Individual course attainments with detailed CO/CLO attainment progress.

Students' Attainment

Detailed information of Attainments of an Individual Students with course-wise timeline.

Detailed Course Report

Detailed course reports with assessments, grading systems, marks distribution, attainment, reflections and content proves.

Data Security

Powerful encryption system implemented for enhancing security of your important institutional data.

How it Works

Processes are really simple with easy to unserstand.


Role Assignment

Assign Module Leader in courses and Module Leader will assign the section teacher.



Module leader can map various outcomes like Setup COs/CLOs, CO/CLO-PO/PLO & CO/CLO-Question Mapping.


Marks Entry & Reports

Section teachers will enter marks of students and OBE Tracking will generate various reports to understand progress of students on various outcomes.

Our Team

Syed Akhter Hossain

Solution Architect

Israfil Mahmud Raju

Solution Developer

Ferdousur Rahman Sarker

Solution Developer


OBE Tracking Management Solutions, obetracking@gmail.com